Swindon Piano Lessons > Online Piano Lessons

Learn the piano online with Swindon-based teacher John Wiles

“I’ve been having lessons with John for several years, both in person and online. I have moved away from Swindon but really appreciate being able to continue lessons via Skype. John uses two cameras so that I can clearly see what he is demonstrating, and he helped me get my ipad in the right position so he can see what I am doing too. The online lessons work really well for me and I would recommend giving them a go. I have learned a lot from John and really enjoy having lessons with him.”



My popular online Skype lessons are ideal for students of all ages and abilities in range of subjects including beginner’s lessons, classical piano and jazz piano

Whether you live in Swindon or further afield my online lessons allow you to learn the piano from the comfort of your own home and have many benefits including:

  • No travel to and from lessons (saving you both time and money on petrol)
  • Much easier to fit in around busy schedules
  • learning on your own piano.

How do online lessons work?

In my home studio in Swindon I have two separate cameras set up (one showing my piano from the side and another overhead from a birds eye view) making it easy for you to see what I’m doing when I’m demonstrating and guiding you around the piano. (See photos below).

Swindon Piano Lessons - Online Piano Lessons

From your end, all I need is for you to position your camera so I can see you clearly sitting at the piano without obscuring your hands. Most students get good results from using either a computer or Tablet/Ipad/phone with a front facing camera either propped up on a table or on a music stand. If you don’t have Skype you can download it for free at the following link https://www.skype.com/en/get-skype/

Swindon Piano Lessons - Learn Piano Online

As a passionate musician and teacher, I believe that musical creativity has never been more important. Whatever your musical tastes I can tailor lessons to suit your interests and help make learning fun and relevant to your own goals and objectives. To help aid the learning process for online students I have also created a resources section on this website which includes tutorials for playing scales, arpeggios and other useful information. You can access the resources page by >>clicking here.


“My daughter has been having online lessons with John since January 2021 having already achieved grade 8 with a previous teacher. John has been able to take her on to preparing for Dip ABRSM whilst also introducing her to jazz.

He demonstrates a high level of skill and knowledge with classical music and has helped develop her technique and style hugely. 

John tailors lessons very much to her interests by discussing what she hopes to achieve and choosing music with her by playing pieces he thinks might suit her so she can have ownership of her music. In lessons his high standard of playing is used to great effect to demonstrate what he is explaining. This provides an excellent model for my daughter to emulate.

He is happy to respond to the varying amounts of time she has to work on music during the week which allows her to balance college and piano. No lesson is ever wasted because she has not had much time to practice, John is able to find technique work or Jazz improvisation to keep her skills developing.

He has a quiet and calm approach which is very collegiate and suits an older teen very well.

She is always happy and motivated after every lesson.

Working with John online has been very easy and having had in person lessons with a previous teacher I can see that being online is just as positive an experience at a high level of playing.

I would thoroughly recommend John as a teacher and have no qualms in recommending online lessons with him.”


Important information: For students under 18 I ask that connection is made through a parent’s account and that an adult remains present throughout the lesson. Students must always wear appropriate attire and not behave inappropriately, otherwise the call will be terminated and I will communicate the reason by email afterwards. Skype is to be used for lessons only and not for other contact. Any other communication should be done by email and phone. 

>>Find out more about my piano lessons or contact me.